Zhao Yanhui

发布时间:2019-01-08 字体大小 T |T

NameZhao Yanhui

TitleAssistant teacher

Department Clinical nursing department

Research FieldsSurgical nursing

Office phone


Education experience :

 2009.09-2014.07: Bachelor of nursing, Jilin University

2014.09-2017.07: master of nursing, Sichuan University

Work experience2017.7- present: Nursing School of Lanzhou University

Teaching basic nursing

Published papers and monographs

Zhao Yanhui, Tang Nan, Han Lin, Wang Yanhong, Zhang Hongchen. Research progress of continuous nursing for patients undergoing daytime surgery at home and abroad, Journal of Nursing, 2018, 25 (6): 24-27.

Zhao Yanhui, Li Xiaoling, Dai Yan, Fu Wenjing, Tang Mengyan. Survey of Continuous Nursing Service Needs for Day Surgery Patients, Journal of Nursing, 2018,33 (9): 88-91.

Zhao Yanhui, Zou Qin, Li Xiaoling*, You Guiying, gentle. Correlation between anxiety and social support before radiofrequency ablation [J].Western China Medicine. 2017, 32 (1): 70-72.

Zhao Yanhui, Zou Qin, Li Xiaoling*. Evidence-based Practice in Fall Prevention for Elderly Inpatients [J].Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing, 2016,22 (6): 818-821.

Zhao Yanhui, Zou Qin, Li Xiaoling*. Research progress in hand hygiene compliance and management strategies [J].Journal of Nursing, 2016, 32 (6): 38-40.

Research program

Host 1 project and participate in 1 project


Second Prize of the 2nd Teacher‘s Lecture Competition of school of nursing, Lanzhou University